My piano pieces

dude, thats alot of songs. heard one or two. its not bad honestly in terms of technique.

so what do you use to record?

your touch is a little too harsh at times tho, might just be the recording gear but your use of the lower octaves. abit overkill. try to relax on the many notes and articulate.

just my 2 keys

Yo, thx for the feedback. I use Samsung Digimax A503 to record. At least it's better than my hp, lol.

Currently my piano's getting a lil' bad on the mid B and i think 2 other keys towards the higher octaves (press 1 key and the one beside goes down as well.) Gotta get it repaired soon.

Yup, i noticed i play a lot on the lower octaves. Too used to it already lah...haha. Will try to improve in that area.
Are you playing by ear? cos some of the chords are not original. nevertheless, you're no chok kerong but I think it's great you're putting together these songs. It's a good effort and the more you play the better you're gonna get. keep it up!
Are you playing by ear? cos some of the chords are not original. nevertheless, you're no chok kerong but I think it's great you're putting together these songs. It's a good effort and the more you play the better you're gonna get. keep it up!

Yup, i play by ear...too lazy to find for the score...haha. Some recordings were done after i listened to the song maybe 2 - 3 times, so...ya....a lotta mistakes and off-chords. Recently i redid a few of my past recordings.

Currently, my piano's faulty...keys stuck together...will repair when i got the time. Thx for the feedback man. Will try to improve.
O_o wow so many pieces! Very nice. Are thye recorded using digital camera? If so, can upload to youtube! =D
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If you are using windows, there's a free shitty (but effective nonetheless) progremme in ur C:\Program Files folder called movie make.

Windows movie maker can help convert video files from one format to another, though its kind of limited to windows formats and standard formats. Not those apple ones.
nice chord progression..wahh yr piano got that airy sound..haha but yaa other than that..its v v v nice.. :) heyy can tell me more about yr chord progression?
nice chord progression..wahh yr piano got that airy sound..haha but yaa other than that..its v v v nice.. :) heyy can tell me more about yr chord progression?

Thx. Glad u like it. Chord progression for which song? Progression's simple lah, just move from one chord to the next. Listen to the song : Whiter Shade of Pale from my list in the link in the 1st post. Progression backwards.