My brother is learnign guitar.. what is a good gauge for him

just buy the guitar and use the strings thats on there, no question wheather gauge or not...if he wants ta buy strings just ask for normal or regular strings... if the person selling you the guitar happens to be an idiot not knowing that a beginner who knows absoulutely nothing, just say 9 or 10
spikes said:
this is a dumb question, just buy the guitar and use the strings thats on there, no question wheather gauge or not...if he wants ta buy strings just ask for normal or regular strings... if the person selling you the guitar happens to be an idiot not knowing that a beginner who knows absoulutely nothing, just say 9 or 10
If it's so dumb, why you reply? :roll:
Not everyone can adapt to the stock strings or even like the sound.
I heard of people removing ELIXIRS because they didn't like it.
Well, I would say 9, he can progress higher up when his skill level is better.
i suggest 9s..8s feel like rubber bands and sound like ghosts..for ibanez use 9s only..for others like fender or gibson or whatever stuff use 10s and above. if not you'll sound really light.
generally, most stock guitars comes with 9s i believe. those are good enough until such a time when the beginner no longer feels that much of a strain after playing, then maybe its time to move on to 10s? but i suppose u'll wanna rmb to take a look at the action of the strings, as some stock instruments come with uncomfortably high strings.
I'd suggest using .9s first, it's easier on the fingers especially when bending. Learning bending on higher gauges is a pain especially in the early stages when your fingertips are not hardened yet.
PRS 9.5s. When you later move to 9s, you'll find that you bend better, play faster and more precise. Even if you are moving to 10s, the transition is less painful and far less cumbersome.

I would suggest .9 too.. not too soft yet not too hard so its fairly easy for him to manage the strings..