musicman stingray vs. fender vs. gibson?


New member
heh. people have been comparing between big brands fender and gibson. now introducing musicman stingray into the match! (triple threat!) what's your take to this humbucker bass?

i'm no fan of humbucker bass, but i heard people said that fender standards are dropping. is it true?
if it's for bass.. i'll pick the fender ones..
there's very solid sound i like bout fender basses...
but it's not like i'm saying other brands are not good..
just that fender basses are more solid...
they are all equally as good. they all sound totally different. it's not as though u are comparing a gibson to a squire or a musicman to an epiphone.

not only that, within the gibson range there's the les paul and thunderbird.

within the fender range there's the P, the J, Jaguar, Mustang.

within musicman there is the stingray, the bongo, the sterling, the sub.

confusing? get your hands on as many as you can and decide. when you are comparing basses within the same range it is impossible for us to rank. don't buy the brand, buy the bass. I see alot of good basses in buy/sell. sometimes i wonder 'why' people are selling them.
+++++++1 holas! ....

threads like this are annoying (i'm not saying that the starter is annoying) .. because they have been topics of debate for eons since these brands appeared on the market ...

getting tired repeating the same things over and over again ...