Musicman Ernieball Stingray


New member
Hey guys!

I was wondering where I can go to for a Stingray in sg? Is there like a place where they can import guitars from other places?

One more, is there any place in sg that does custom graphics for basses? I got my own custom design and I wan it on my bass. :D

Thanks in advance!:mrgreen:
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i think sinamex is the dealer for EBMM in singapore

how do you want to do your design? paint? sticker? inlay? i think inlaying is the only job that is specific to a luthier. maestro can do it
Sinamex? Okie dokie

Hmm, im not rly sure about the design method but I want it to be something like this

Also, I think im gonna inlay the fretboard (did i use the correct term?), cuz theres a nickname i wanna put on the 3,5,7 and 9 fret.

What about the headstock? Inlay oso?
u can try using stickers and adjust first. also if u wanna change your mind later can take it out.

a stingray at sinamex costs about 2800.
Hmmm, how much did you pay?

The stickers will be according to my own design isshit?
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