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FYI, Shakepear's axeman Amran, my jam buddy, bad a pretty bad fall at his workplace couple of weeks back. He fractured his neck. Had an operation and currently recuperating in a rehab. Unable to walk steadily for now and he can't make use of his left hand fingers properly.

Hope that everyone would chip in and say well wishes, prayers or anything nice for a speedy recovery and back on the axe.
arghhh... sorry to hear that.. hope he feels better and recover very soon.. and up to shred again man... its sad when this kinda things happen.. :(
do keep us updated on his progress and let him know that all of us here in SOFT wishes him speedy recovery. :rock:
Oh man that sucks real bad... :( :(

My prayers will always goes out to him and his family.. May he get a speedy recovery and pick up the guitar again...

James u shld sticky this thread man so other can offer their prayers and well wishes.. Just a thought...
This is sad news..
Hope he gets well soon man, and more importantly, get back to playing..
God bless him.. ah.. hate it when those kind of things happen.. hinder progress..

get well soon yea.. and i mean real soon..