Multi effects

Perhaps you can try Zoom. City Music carries them. Cheap but good, from what I've heard.

I personally use Line 6 but I must admit Line 6 is quite pricey.
Vox Tonelab - It's got tubes. I own one and though it's dusty as hell, it is reliable when called upon. Mine's a Tonelab LE model.
What is cheap? I personally find that Vox is the best so far(tonelab SE). but affordability+quality, mabe Zoom G2.1?

personally, I feel that the line6s are quite affordable for what they do. IMHO, (please don't take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to be braggy or anything of that sort) if you compare the line6 POD X3L to the high end multi effects/amp simulators like the axe-fx and digidesign 11R, i dare say the pod x3l is bang for the buck.

I personally have both single pedals and a pod x3l as well as a line6 m9. If i have to run direct, I will (obviously) use the line6 X3L and that thing is good, IF you know how/can tweak it properly.

If you want to save a couple of bucks, buying used is always a plausible option.. That way if you don't like it, you can sell it again and recoup your investment.

In all honesty, a lot of people buy PODs expecting them to work like single pedals. But they do not.. to achieve good tones it requires you to sit down with a laptop, your guitar and the pod and work through the tones, using the editing on gear box. time consuming yes, but ultimately satisfying.
Interesting point of view there from j_m_s, and it makes quite some sense too. Have to agree with the quality of Line 6 products, my PodXT Live is 4 years old and has not given me a single problem since day 1. I'd recommend the Vox ToneLab, its very portable yet has a whole suite of very tweakable effects.