blank said:
So making millions and playing to humungous crowds instantly makes you talented?
So Britney Spears and Simple Plan are talented?
Don't get me wrong, nothing against Metallica, their alright, just that your logic kind of annoys me.
It definitely takes talent to make millions, and it definitely takes talent to play and sustain the interest of humungous crowds. And Britney Spears and Simple Plan are definitely VERY talented individuals. They are capable of things that we can only dream of from our armchairs.
It is NOT easy to play big crowds and have a huge fanbase. If you disagree, prove us wrong and make the millions and play to humungous crowds first.
Of course, whether you really need much MUSICAL talent for that is debatable. But then and again, what's the point of having all the musical talent in the world if you're only going to share it with the 4 walls of your bedroom?