SPAF aims to inspire, so all performers leave with a sense of achievement! Its purpose is to open up the window of performing arts to students, encouraging them to develop a range of communication and interpersonal skills through an interactive environment.
2018 Featured Categories:
Story Telling - Performance Arts (Solo and Group)
Telling a story using movement and gesture to illustrate the content would be regarded as 2 skills – expressive speaking and movement.
Telling a story using props/and/or costume ( e.g. illustrations from the book, puppets, or hats )would be regarded as 2 skills – expressive speaking and use of propsTelling a story using voice, movement and song would be regarded as 3 skills- expressive speaking, movement, and singing
Telling a story using voice, movement, song and a musical instrument would be regarded as four skills- expressive speaking, movement, song and playing an instrument.
The adjudicator is looking for the skills to be integrated into a fluent, structured performance.
Creative Writing
Since the first SPAF in 2011 the Creative writing class has been attracting more and more entries and the standard has risen. We believe very strongly that this ties in with the study of Language and Literature and is of additional benefit to Students in both the Primary and Secondary sectors.
Students are given absolute free choice of content, the only regulation is to adhere to the word count. The completed story is submitted to the office and then to the adjudicator before the day of the Festival – on the actual day the student may read out their story or nominate someone else to do so- this is not part of the assessment, the adjudicator has already reached his or her decision and written the reports- the idea is to share the content with the audience and so then the adjudicator’s comments are more relevant to the listeners.
We will be running a Creative Writing Workshop prior to this year’s festival so do join us if you wish to find out more!!
Public Speaking
For many adults the thought of speaking in public is terrifying- it is generally recognised that the younger people are when they begin then the less likely it is that this fear follows them into their adult life. The Public Speaking Classes of S P A F are judged on both content and delivery and these are the aspects that we will be addressing in our workshop prior to the 2016 Festival in July.
The topics are released to Festival one month before the Festival and we will share those set in previous years as a guide, so this is a workshop that we hope will prove valuable if you are interested in promoting the value of Public Speaking without fear!
Other Categories Offered:
- Impromptu Speaking
- Verse Speaking
- Choral Speaking
- Dramatic Monologue
- Dramatic Duologue
- Group Acting (Scripted / Devised)
Full details of categories within syllabus info booklet.
For further information about the event, please visit: https://msworks.sg/2-uncategorised/108-spaf-drama-2018
Email us at spaf@msworks.sg if you need further clarifications or assistance.
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