More HT-5 content (This time with impulses!) - Prog metal song with video


New member
Hey Guys,

Got around to doing another video thanks to my broken ankle from football :|

Tried something different for guitars, I took out the FX-send of the HT-5 direct into my DAW effectively bypassing the power amp stage compeltely - and modelled the power amp stage digitally using impulses. I loved the result, combining the hard-to-model stuff like preamp distortion and amp response, with the easier-to-model flexibility of power amp stage drive.

For those who want to try this out, some words of warning:
1) Ensure your FX-send is configured for instrument level input (-10dB) and not line level (+4dB), or your audio interface is going to get fried.
2) ALWAYS, I mean ALWAYS ensure there's a load connected to your power amp section (either a cabinet, or a hotplate attenuator or the like). IF you don't have a load, bad things will happen. Very bad things.

Enough talk! Here's the video:

Song is at
The HT5 is amazingly loaded with stuff for an amp of that budget. Just wish it had a tube rectifier than an SS one. Hahahhaa...
wow nice stuff you got there! thinking of getting this lil beast and combining it with a 4×12 but still undecided on what cab to get.. hmm
The HT5 is amazingly loaded with stuff for an amp of that budget. Just wish it had a tube rectifier than an SS one. Hahahhaa...

Indeed. However, I'm not too sure if the SS rectifier adds that tightness for heavier sounds. Overall, the gain channel is VERY satisfying on this thing.

wow nice stuff you got there! thinking of getting this lil beast and combining it with a 4×12 but still undecided on what cab to get.. hmm

Thanks mate. 4x12 will really take the amp over the top with heavier sounds. Don't expect too much with the cleans though, there's barely any headroom, but shouldnt matter if you're someone like me who uses the gain channel 95% of the time.