MONOCHROME "Music Mantra" album launch.


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MONOCHROME "Music Mantra" Album Launch.

Performance Details:

6th Feb 2010, 8.45pm - Esplanade Outdoor Stage
12th Feb 2010, 8.30pm - Cathay Cine-leisure
23rd Feb 2010, 8pm - House Of Rock
27th Feb 2010,3pm - Jurong Point 1 Centre Stage
28th Feb 2010, 3pm - Jurong Point 1 Centre Stage
5th March 2010, 8pm - Esplanade Outdoor Stage
6th March 2010, 3pm - The Heeren Fountain Stage
7th March 2010, 3pm - The Heeren Fountain Stage
13th March 2010, 10pm - Roomful Of Blues
19th March 2010, 9pm - The Hard Rock Cafe (Singapore)

All shows are FOC, however, MONOCHROME has pledged 100% of the proceeds for the sale of albums through out the launch period to be donated to Club Rainbow Singapore. (A charity organisation for chronically ill children.):)

So do show your support to the band for this good cause as well as to support local music!!

We hope to see you at one of the shows!!

Add us up at :

Heart Rock,:cool:

Rock On!!

Yeah, just got their album, they're really good for home grown band, they are from Singapore right ? well the guitarist seems not asian ? where is he from ? Well all in all, they're good, if you have the chance do hear them out, rock on guyss :)
Hi Viper7,

the guitarist is from Poland, he has been living in our little island for 6-7 yrs for now!! Hope that you may continue to support!!