Mods to volume knob


Hi guys,

i am using a ibanez s320 with dimarzio pickups and 250k pots, one vol one tone

i find it difficult to adjust volume levels using my volume knob as the changes are non-linear.

Assume 0 at 0 and 10 at full volume,
from 0 to 1 i have a large increase in volume and from 2-5 almost no change in volume and from 5-10 a slight increase in volume(probably also due to the gain in treble)

For these reasons right now i dont really use my volume knob but rather leave it on at full and boost my volume using eq pedal and a mxr linear booster.

I am thinking of making mods to my volume knob by firstly incorporating a 0.001uf capacitator for a treble bleed mod to reduce cut in treble. Any comments on this value or whether i should add in resistors etc?

What other mods can i do to enhance linearity?
Thank you very much :D
The RS Superpot was designed to solve this issue.

You currently experience those problems because audio taper pots are used in volume controls.
thanks dudelove,

i have been browsing around the web since ive posted this and yeah i do think that i should swap out for an audio taper pot.

I should be getting an RS superpot then, should i couple this with a treble bleed mod ?
An audio taper pot is a non-linear pot, as it is based on a logarithmic curve. This video gives you a pretty good idea on what you may be dealing with.

You might also want to try a higher resistance value pot to play around with the level of brightness in the guitar, as that can affect the volume roll off as well.
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0.001uf capacitor for treble bleed mod is a bit too high imho.

For some that i came across, it ranges from 270picofarad to round 680pf or so. The higher the value for cap used for treble bleed, the brighter the sound is going to be when you turn the volume pot down. Some find it unnaturally to have such changes and sound characteristic that they would use smaller value.

Depending on preference, if you like it to be as bright as it can be, can go with the original value in mind, if not, a value of 470pf be prolly a good in between value to try.

Another mod which can be done, is to use a push pull pot for volume and put in 2 different value caps in there, so that you can select between 2 different treble bleed setting.

Same for the tone pot, with a push pull, you can have 2 different tone setting with separate caps.

As for whether needing the resistor, that will have to depend on the taper response of the potentiometer you will be using and whether are you satisfy with it. If really wanna try different values of caps, resistor etc, one way which can be done is to get component socket(can be gotten from simlim tower), solder to the pots. At any time, you can pop in and out the different values of caps/resistors and test which one will be the most suitable for your setup.

For using the component socket, this one most likely you will need to do yourself or find any geetar tech willing to do it for you. Once done, its just a matter of buying different stash of caps/resistors, snap in/out those and find the best combo you like. Troublesome it might be initially, but its definitely more useful than hard soldering caps/resistor in and finding out that its not what you wanna in term of response.
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Before you go looking to convince yourself to buy fancy expensive gear, try a 500k audio pot. That's what is typically used with humbuckers.
to dodgethis, thank you very much the video is excellent help

to PatheinRaindropMoe, i think the component socket idea is great, thanks, i am thinking of wiring a trimmer pot in series to vary resistance on the fly together with a 470pf cap, u think thats good idea? N what kind of resistance values should i be looking at

to subversion, sorry my mistake the pots are 500k pots

to theblueark, i think i would try this option first

Is there any place in Singapore in which i can find a 500k CTS audio taper pot
oh yeah, trimmer pot or the usal size pot just for trial and error can be done as well.

The value round 100plus odd kohm. Say round 120kohm to 150kohm.
The RS Superpot was designed to solve this issue.
Actually, I dun think so.

I had the impression that Ibanez uses LINEAR volume pots on most of the mid to low range models, thus you hear the uneven changes in volume as you turn it up. LOG taper is design to solve this issue as our ears hear volume changes as non-linear (RS pots are closer to linear, i believe). Do correct me if I'm wrong. =P

I would suggest trying a LOG pot first and see how it works out.
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linear pot is the one that would be constant taper through out the turning of the pot, without the uneven characteristic.

But that said, the taper response of the rs log pot would prolly play a big part over log pot of other brand, thus having a smoother response, even thought it can be a log pot. An easy way to check whether the rs pot is a linear or log pot, is to phsically note down the position of the pot shaft at 1/3, 1/2 , 3/4 rotation, measure the resistance with a multimeter connecting center tab and either one of the outer tab on the pot.

If the pot is linear, at 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 turn, the resistance value would roughly equal to 1/4 or 1/2 or 3/4 times the total potentiometer value. The rate of the resistance increment/decrement will be proportional to the position of the pot wiper position

A log pot will have a improportional rate of resistance increment/decrement against the position of the pot wiper

In some pots, the indication of whether is it a log or linear pot, is marked with "A" or "B", before or after the pot values. "A" for log or some called it audio taper while "B" is for linear. The usage of "A" or "B" is somewhat a standard code for potentiometer.

If theres no indication or in doubt, can use a mutimeter and do the rotation test mentioned above to find out.
I have swapped out my old pot for a new 500k audio pot from tymusic, brand is Gf if im not wrong

I found that my old pot was a linear pot as it had B500 ohm instead of A500ohm as cfm by patheinraindropmae previous post

I swapped my pots out and i found a great improvement in the sweep, phew

Nx up i took path's advice i made a socket to incorporate on the fly changing of cap values, i would share pictures soon!!

I slotted in a 1130pf cap and found e volume swell to deprove, high frequencies were boosted when volume was turned down

I slotted in a 830pf cap and 681pf cap and found a suitable value for me at 681pf. I am currently playing around with resistor values hahah.

Thanks so much to all the advice given to me :D really appreciate that