most likely if contact the maker, they will not tell you what to tinker with, within the pedal. Firstly the warranty will be void(if still under warranty period) and if anything screwed up, they wont be responsible for it. For a indie maker like hotcake, last thing they wanna is for people to open up their pedals to change things and if screwing it up, going back to them.
Imho, if really wanna do the thing, go check thru forums like diystompboxes or Those people there know a thing or 2 bout whats going on and have open up plenty of pedals to improve it and demystified lotsa things...
anyway, for certain pedals, the design of it meant to go with certain amps and geetars(rather common thing), if it doesnt work out with your setup, either try with another amp/geetar if possible. If not possible, try out other pedals.
Modding of booteek pedals like hotcake to change the inherent characteristic, still have to consider whether the circuit is gooped or theres any available mod which others have already done it. There might not be a straight forward outcome..