Mixer recommendation


New member
Hi Peeps,

I need some recommendation here.

I would like to record my singing and guitar playing directly into the computer or handphone.

I'm looking for a mixer that can do that, it can be 2-3 input, come with USB output? and need to have a basic tone adjustment, Phantom power will be a good option too.

What would be a good mixer to look at in the price range of say $100-150

Looking forward to hearing from you guys out there.

If you want to record audio into your computer it's an audio interface you need, not just a mixer. Some entry level devices are available in your budget. Here you can find a few good suggestions to get you started: https://www.musicradar.com/news/best-budget-audio-interfaces
Then if you want to mix and adjust your tones you need a DAW, there are a number of options there, paid and free. Suggestions here: https://www.musicradar.com/news/the-best-daws-2020-the-best-music-production-software-for-pc-and-mac