Missing You (improvisation)

the first bit i thought it felt it was really empty... like the backing was too much for the guitar or the guitar was too little for the backing but subsequently i liked it!

good job!
hey, dis is really nice larh MrRhoads... the guitar part was nice somewhere towards the ending... sweets...it kinda create the atmosphere that u're missing sommeone... heh =))
Nice melody :) like the part that u slowly built up the phrasing together with the built up in rhythm

but like just coming to the feel then no more liao, play longer mah :)
Thanks for the advice man! Now that i listened again, the backing is overpowering me in some parts, esp the intro =/ . I'll work on a full song
I like the startin' part man...total relak.........but.....can you do the whole song? 1min...like a bit not enough >.<
i liked the first 4 bars.

the mood is leaning towards romance, but the slide guitar (is that a slide?)
unclothes the piece (sounds like a porn track)

sorry to be blatant