MIJ, MIK, MIC etc. guitars

RazrAsh said:
simple answer to all la , just go try it out and see if u like it.. but its true also, u do get pretty dodgy stuff from thos MIC ones, but somethimes u get quality equaling the MIJ ones too.. best to try out and trust ur ears...

for chinese/ korean/ indonesian products, you just have to see what's on offer. eg: Chinese Ibanez Artcore Customs- extremely fine crafstmanship.
no kidding?? i'm not that big a fan of the artcore series yet.. mayb should head down and try it out... but i was more referring to the MIC burny's that i've tried.. rather ok.. but there were some finer points to improve upon...
theblueark said:
If I went to japan and made a guitar out of a cardboard box and rubber bands, would it be MIJ?

YES! I will pay top dollar for THAT! =)

remember to make sure the wood use to make the card board come from the high mountains of japan. they have the most MOJO.
RazrAsh said:
no kidding?? i'm not that big a fan of the artcore series yet.. mayb should head down and try it out... but i was more referring to the MIC burny's that i've tried.. rather ok.. but there were some finer points to improve upon...

the regular Artcore models are above-average but there still hits/ misses.

i'm refering to the Artcore Custom models, namely:


I just hope i don't get a guitar with crappy frets that cause buzzing and other shit ... I already had too much of that in 1 lifetime!!
i have an MIA highway1 strat, the construction was ok, but i really hate the pickup selector and the tone knobs. they're totally STIFF!
not necesarrily true. but usualy good parts do cost mroe money. but sometimes the price is reflected in the brand also.
detroit_red said:
I assume that i have to splurge at least over a thousand bucks to get a decent guitar with no problems...

not truE! even an expensive guitar may have "problems". in fact, nearly every guitar does. u can get a 5k guitar and it might not have a nice pop tone? u never know.

but basically if u pay more than $1k, it should be a good guitar with no faults and a good tone. if u want an outstanding tone, $2k+ for something like a StringRay5 or $5k+ for a PWNAGE lakland.
just a little question, does the origin affect in the long term?

i haven't had much experience with guitars, but most other MIC products I know of appear hot on first sight, but once you bring it home and give it a few months, or years for some, it will show that it is afterall not made to last.

if that is so, will it be reliable to go slightly-blindly for MIJ/MIK/MIM products and pay a few hundred bucks for qualities you can't tell just by trying it out in the shops instead of risking it by buying only by intuition?
gjkung said:
just a little question, does the origin affect in the long term?

in the 80s/ early 90s, buying korean/ chinese products are acts of desperation to say the least, as these wares tend to manifest durability issues as time goes by. the situation is different today as many subsidiary products of the major brand names revise their production philosophies to give players more (quality) for less (money).

the chief of this resurgence in QC is Squier. to date, Fender master builders are actively involved in the revamp of the Squier range, as evident in the master series offerings.

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