Mid-2010 New Pedals GAS list


New member
As per the thread title, let's have some GAS list for new pedals and state why and how you would use it for your music.

I'll start:

1. Catalinbread Paradolia Harmonic Mesmerizer(PHM) - I've always thought of a vibe pedal as a combination of tremolo and phaser, a phaser with a throb. I had a Bob Sweet Mojo Vibe before and while it's nice and all, i just couldn't justify the 400sgd+ price on something which I won't be using often. Besides it can't be daisy chained with other effects in a one-spot power supply. It would want its own power supply or it won't power up. Now the PHM seems to be a good, if not, a better alternative to vibe pedals since it would seem to do the same thing(Hendrix's machine gun vibe tones). Maybe it'll sound lighter than a full-fledged vibe but I'm very much willing to sacrifice a bit of tone for ease of functionality(cbread claims you can place it anywhere in your chain), versatility and relatively budget-friendliness.

2. Electro-Harmonix Ring thing - seeing a youtube video of it with Bill Rupert did it for me. Instant GAS! Check out what this thing can do. IMHO, if it's a reliable unit, it can give the Digitech Whammy IV a run for its money. It's also capable of a ton more stuff than pitch bending. Price is a bit on the high side though like their Memory Boy.
the ring thing is a small part of the hog. Imho, if wanna lotsa modulation power, the hog can do what a whammy cant and more.

Heh, none the less, its a goot idea that EH come out with the ring thing. Its prolly gonna sell them quite a bit of those, for those who wanna a lil part of modulation fun, but not with the whole HOG power.

EHX Freeze. Captures a sample and "freezes" it for infinite sustain, selectable decay when you release the footswitch. It's another small part of the HOG... wonder how many more functions of the Huge Oversized Gear they'll split into smaller pedals. Too bad it doesn't have the HOG's gliss function (portamento) or this would be killer.

Don't know what I'll use it for but I know I want it :D short of getting a Cathedral or HOG.
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hi bro...where can i get the phm?

They can be ordered at TYMC as they are the cbread dealer here.

I also want the freeze. I would have posted it earlier but went for lunch. I'm also intrigued, what is that gliss function of the HOG? Is that the same as the one in the Boss guitar synthesizer(ME-33?).

I've never tried the HOG before but honestly I wouldn't want a pedal of that size. Max would be the size of the cathedral.

I also wish EHX would release a version of the cathedral where it's just a hall reverb, reverse reverb, and the infinite switch. Nice pedal but it's just overkill for what I want.
the freeze looks awesome! *drools*
my GAS is..
1) line 6 M9! willing to trade my ex7 and satch and top up. hahaha
using for my modulations like synth. CREATE REVIEW PLEASE! :D

2) Wampler Pinnacle (dual footswitch version) it just sounds \m/
using for my drive. sufficient though cause i have other drive pedals.

guitar include anot ar? ahhah cause i GAS-ing for:
1) Fender 52 tele!
2) Ibanez S Series!

hahas. what about you guys? :D
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One more thing I want is the Subdecay Proteus. http://www.subdecay.com/product.php?id=10

I kinda miss my Xotic Robotalk ver 1 when I sold it but I'm happy to know that when I tried the Proteus, I find that it's better than the Robotalk. I like the fact that you don't have to re-adjust the depth and frequency knob on the Proteus when switching from auto wah to arpeggiator. No volume drop or spikes too and the range of the frequency knob is smoother. It also has step multiplier for the arpeggiator(which means so you can have 1, 2 or 4 steps per beat) and tap tempo. Add to that the fact that it's smaller and relatively cheaper. The Robotalk v1 sold for as much as 450sgd bnew when it came out. The Proteus is about 275-290sgd now I think.

Downside is that it can't be powered by batteries like the Robotalk but at least it's external powering system is your typical boss-type. I remember with the Robotalk before that you need to separate adapters to power the arpeggiator and auto filter/wah sections which is very weird.
I just got me a Pareidolia off the net from the Father's Day sales, can't wait for it to arrive. The demos were great!

I can't wait for the Freeze and the new Red Witch synth pedal, those will probably be amazing.
I also want the freeze. I would have posted it earlier but went for lunch. I'm also intrigued, what is that gliss function of the HOG? Is that the same as the one in the Boss guitar synthesizer(ME-33?).
Portamento or glissando is basically a slide between two pitches. I think with the HOG you can freeze one note, and then (controllable with exp pedal) glide to another note. I want to do Continuum type of sounds on guitar... Dream Theater's Octavarium intro? :twisted: One can dream big...

Not really GAS yet but I'm interested in a step filter/arpeggiator too. Probably should've picked up the Copilot Gyroscope on buy/sell, haha.... I prefer how it sounds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQkfiZddn9Y compared to the Proteus.
Everyone talking about the freeze only?
I want a new OD to supplement my current ones. Namely the Sahasrara or the Zendrive. It'll add more gain. since i'm using my drives stacked. Currently they don't give me a nice mid-ranged stacked OD kinda distortion. Maybe either would help.
Maybe the EHX Micro POG? Tried it, liked it. Not sure how i'd use it, but, i guess it'll be a useful pedal...
An A/B box, too. Sorry to sidetrack, but, any recommendations for this?
I just got me a Pareidolia off the net from the Father's Day sales, can't wait for it to arrive. The demos were great!

I can't wait for the Freeze and the new Red Witch synth pedal, those will probably be amazing.

bro,from which website did u order from?
PGS also offered a Father's Day Discount. Moreover, PGS now offers free international shipping on orders above USD400. Find a few buddies to get stuff together and take advantage of their new Platinum Policies, which are fan-frigging-tastic.
I was notified by PGS. Didnt look into TF though..

GAS List? No money but:

Analogman King Of Tone V4 High Gain
Skreddy Echo

Not really necessary just a gas list though.

To dodgethis: Did you apply for the platinum thingy thru pgs?
No need apply, bro. It's their standard policy now for all orders.

And I really want a Paul Gilbert Airplane Flanger, just for that take-off/landing switch.

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