Michael Jackson Beat It Solo

Brandon, so you took my suggestion!Wah lau, you learned the solo in like what , 1 hour?Power stuff, time to find my silver glove and red jacket, OWW!
snuff, u'd need to work a hell lotta greasy curls into your crowning glory too...

it's not fair that brandon learns these cool soloes in an hour or so. NOT FAIR! :P
Haha, I always knew behind that rocker image of his, there is a soft spot for Micheal Jackson.

Brandon aka MJ closet fan
It's Brandon "MJ" Gan.

Another day he might be Brandon "The Herman" Gan... :))

Aiyah basically Brandon "Insert your fave guitarist" Gan la. Sian 1/2.
Time for me to take lessons from the master...
I think after this i should start teaching MJ dancing lessons. After the hype by snuffle and kenneth, there have been people PMing me asking about dance lessons too.
Must be the combination of the killer tip toes, with crotch-grab and the "hee-hee!!" that draws 'em bro...
Thanks guys. I am glad you all liked the video. Won't be any video or sound clips for a while. My amp is gone. A waiting something new to come