Michael Angelo Not Coming Singapore?

The Guitar Stars tour has already been postponed. Gary Hoey is headed to some Asian cities for Fender clinics. Neil Zaza may be coming a couple of months later. According to Gary Hoey, the Guitar Stars tour with MAB & Zaza will happen on a later date. That is why you see other dates on angelo.com & garyhoey.com.
Re: I can

neuro182 said:
Stairwaytoheaven said:
since every1 is here, i'll ask a qns... can any1 play speed kills... :lol:

I am learning part 12 of Speed Lives.. Not very hard after Angelo explained it on the video.
wah u got the vid... i tried dling it halfway stopped liao... no more sources... can u send it to me? oh yeah btw, the classical solo part.. it sounds very familiar to me too.. its originally by him? or some1 else? and wads the song?

lolx my friend burned for me.. its pretty much easy except need some help on the speed part. its very melodic & i understand how he constructs his scales. very innovative player i wld comment.