

New member
thoughts on the gig?all i can say is u could feel that those bands deserve more coverage!bigger platform. other than that the true spirit of brotherhood in metal and rock was maintained wen someone fell in a mosh pit they were picked up not like some gigs i know that ppl get literally thrashed in mosh pits.can't wait for full length albums from the local scene cmon guys if indie music got baybeats i believe metal music can do the same!its about time.let's bridge the gap between 'commercial' and 'underground' music.cmon guys its the intergrity and feel that counts!cheers
lol tat will be trendy wankers
metal have been the roots for alot of genre
great bands who have been in the music for 20 years and they play to the tunes of Metal
it seem that u can never get bored with metal
while others come and go
metal is here to stay
yeah true.i mena ha emo was jus like punk in the early days some thing that is just for badwagoin hoppers.but niwes wha ireally want is for well at least the local secen heroes to be recognized the other time i was talking to a local band and damn thier songs are all awesme but wen i asked them where i can get thier music they just told me they could only afford an ep which is a damn bloody shame coz thier songs were all awesome la.ill definlty suport and buy thier album.but then again if theres not much demand how couldthey realese a full lenght lp
yea gotta agree on that scene part im just bloody frustrated that some of the local artistes have awesome metal tunes that can relly compare with their west counterparts but could only realese an ep as there aint a large demand for a full lenght..sigh..i wonder what is it we locals lack...