MetallicA Tribute '09 : Cover 'Em All


New member

By metalheadz98 at 2009-05-28
Yeah!!!!! at the end of the show EVERYBODY CAN HAVE FREE JAMMMM!!!!!!!!!!

That's cool...

By the way, The Misfit Ramones will do a punk rock tribute to Metallica. Tentatively:

  1. Kill 'Em All medley
  2. Garage Inc. medley
  3. St. Anger single B-side (Metallica's tribute to Ramones) medley
  4. FWTBT

Metalheadz will cover:

Few songs from old skool albums
and least 4 numbers from Death Magnetic album


MetalheadZ tentively will cover ur fav tunes :-

That was just your life - Death Magnetic
Four horsemen - Kill 'Em All
Broken Beat & Scarred - Death Magnetic
Fight Fire with Fire - Ride The Lightning
Leper Messiah - Master Of Puppets
Motorbreath - Kill 'Em All
Whiplash - Kill 'Em All
Judas Kiss - Death Magnetic
My Apocalypse - Death Magnetic

Inivited anyone to jam Seek & Destroy before end of the show!!!!!!!!

Pls do call or sms me 92345704 if u unable to locate Foutones Studio.
Till den, see you guys this sat @ 6.30pm!!!!

That's cool...

By the way, The Misfit Ramones will do a punk rock tribute to Metallica. Tentatively:

  1. Kill 'Em All medley
  2. Garage Inc. medley
  3. St. Anger single B-side (Metallica's tribute to Ramones) medley
  4. FWTBT


Hi all,

Some details on The Misfit Ramones' set list:

  1. Kill 'Em All medley (Phantom Lord intro, Seek And Destroy, Motorbreath)
  2. Garage Inc. medley (Am I Evil, Die Die My Darling, Last Caress, So What)
  3. Commando (covered by Metallica in their St. Anger single)
We'll try to do the covers punk rock style.

If time permits, we may have an impromptu open-mic jam session for the song "For Whom The Bell Tolls". Anyone interested to sing, play guitar for this song can contact us on our Myspace. It's free for all! ;)

See you people at Fourtones this Saturday, 6.30pm!
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aaah great jusssttt falls right into my gig time...can i leave my gig and attend yours? hhhhheheeheheeheh
Dethfestuary songlist for the this event : Battery, Master of Puppets, Creeping Death, Harvester of Sorrow, Shortest Straw, Sanitarium and blackend. They are a combination from members of Dethmute, Manifest and Ossuary.

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