metalica in major key


WTF!!!! AMAZING!!!! hahahaha cant stop laughing...
imagine hetfield playing this... OMG OMG
fugging hell, was talking with my gf on phone and i kept laughing when the d/l was completed. she tot i was dying from an asthma wheeze :lol:
Most excellent! Its been so long since Metallica actually brought a smile to my face! Hahaha... this is great stuff!

Now, imagine something like Nirvana's Smell's like Teen Spirit in major! :lol:
nitrovo, you've got to know abit about music theory and the structure of chords/scales to know this one. Must know what you're playing when you see tabs and stuff, not just play cos it says 15. When you understand the structure of notes and stuff, then you will find this transposed version of metallica hilarious. Anyway good morning ... :)