metal pick? and other noob pick questions


New member
anyone seriously noe what is good and bad about a metal pick?
got one for myself but it has this scratchy kind of sound that is quite disturbing(maybe like nails clawing past a blackboard sscrratchh) when you hear its "acoustic" sound (not from the amp) when playing on an electric guitar. Genre-wise, is there any use for a metal pick compared to the more common plastic and nylon ones? (like somehow can shred faster or got some unique kind of tone). i got here a "Pick this pick 0.5mm" metal triangular shape.

also like is it true that a smaller pick is good for shredding cos for some strange reason i can sweep pick better with a regular size one compared to a fat and tiny jim dunlop jazz I. Trying to follow joe pass's advice of using a smallish pick but it feels kind of weird huh.
its personal preference i guess and i dun see a need o use a metal pick,i can shred better with a normal sized pick but to my friend a Jazz III is easier so its all personal preference and also i tink a pointier pick(Jazz III) is easy to sweep or shred thats wad i tink
hmms... its wherther u feel comfortable with the pick gauge anot...
just a caution, - metal picks wear down ur strings faster!