Metal metal metal metal

it amuses me to such extent seeing u so worked out about this topic
will not say much

y so serious man?
metal |ˈmetl|
1 a solid material that is typically hard, shiny, malleable, fusible, and ductile, with good electrical and thermal conductivity (e.g., iron, gold, silver, copper, and aluminum, and alloys such as brass and steel) : vessels made of ceramics or metal | being a metal, aluminum readily conducts heat.
• Heraldry gold and silver (as tinctures in blazoning).
2 Brit. (also road metal) broken stone for use in making roads.
3 molten glass before it is blown or cast.
4 heavy metal or similar rock music.
verb ( metaled |ˈmɛdld|, metaling |ˈmɛdlɪŋ|; chiefly Brit. metalled, metalling) [ trans. ] [usu. as adj. ] ( metaled)
1 make out of or coat with metal : metaled key rings.
2 Brit. make or mend (a road) with road metal : follow the metalled road for about 200 yards.
ORIGIN Middle English : from Old French metal or Latin metallum, from Greek metallon ‘mine, quarry, or metal.’
sometimes i really get the feeling that some people are going too far in defending their musical interest to the extent that it appears to be an offensive move.

that's just my honest opinion.
its the devil's music.say your prayers.

i think you're just worked up that punk,screamo,indie,r&b and all those main stream isnt getting much attention in SOFT.
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never get enuff of this great stuff............most addictive musick on earth......thats why its so blessed by satan..............

metaltronic was the greatest forum ever......war and battle flames all the time..........great names like Time, Harvester, Predator who made our pointless forum-surfin lives ever so meaningful and enjoyable...........
by metaltronic standard, over here would prolly be more like nursery level for flames and keysboard warz

but then, yeah, metale up my ass all the way! Up your all metale lovers as well, sodomised deep deep!
Josh closed it down quite awhile ago. RIP Metaltronic!

IT will be back....someday. Right now too busy with studio.
i think you're just worked up that punk,screamo,indie,r&b and all those main stream isnt getting much attention in SOFT.

i think maybe it's because fans of those genres are too busy organizing, playing and attending gigs instead of arguing about their sub-genres