Metal fest 2008

thanks to all who showed up today! we were the last band and we were hoping to see alot of new faces but oh well.. i guess it was late!

thank you screamevents for organising it though it was like "the bloody sahara desert" inside the room, i loved the cosyness though!!

thank you again screamevents, guyrence and the dude who got me my 20 tickets.

On de bhalf of IRIDIUM band members, we would like to thanks de organiser of sreamevent 4 giving us a chance 2 perform......
To all that support us, u guys r awesome though de place is bad......specially 2 bro Zack n his band....hopefully continueing supporting IRIDIUM in de future gigs....To de organiser do not hesitate 2 call us if theres any more gigs n hope we can work 2gather again in de future......
please take note. 26 december is cancel

due to venue wise.. we are unable to book any venue in singapore
so.. we hope every metalheads can give your support to 27 december @ scape

lastly, to all performers for 26 december, deeply sorry

bands like: Lepak, thy fallen kingdom
hope you guys understand

also to wormrot - my guys have try their best to promote your stuff ! so yeah !!! take care ! all the best to W.O.R.M.R.O.T

thank you everyone !
no need to thank wormrot la. haha thank me for serving you all with drinks/payments! hahaha.
damn! part 2 canceled!

nvm then.. Thanks for the support for Stillborn.. i really appreciate the mad moshes and stuff like that!
Sanity Obscure (SG) would like to thank Polarix, IKK, their friends and whoever who caught our set.

Thanks to Screamevents for giving us the opportunity to perform as well.
thanks to all who showed up today! we were the last band and we were hoping to see alot of new faces but oh well.. i guess it was late!

thank you screamevents for organising it though it was like "the bloody sahara desert" inside the room, i loved the cosyness though!!

thank you again screamevents, guyrence and the dude who got me my 20 tickets.


yo polarix so sorry couldtn catch urrr set guys.and sanity obscure too.zac here from plague of thor.well i hope to drop by the labyritnh one of these sundays to grab a sanity ep.and from plague of thor we are throughly grateful to be part of this bill as we al proved that metalheads can come together instead of pulling the 'im metal i dont need frens' attitude.

our graciousthanks to ikilledkenny,sanity obscure,mesmara,iridium and polarix whom we managed to chat up or trade smiles with.and to the other bands kudos to makin this a great event.and guyrence.nice doing biz wit ya.cheers frens
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please take note. 26 december is cancel

due to venue wise.. we are unable to book any venue in singapore
so.. we hope every metalheads can give your support to 27 december @ scape

lastly, to all performers for 26 december, deeply sorry

bands like: Lepak, thy fallen kingdom
hope you guys understand

also to wormrot - my guys have try their best to promote your stuff ! so yeah !!! take care ! all the best to W.O.R.M.R.O.T

thank you everyone !

hei dude thanks for supporting our gig aight, we were there during metalfest part 1, congrats for the gig, best of luck to you and your team my fren, sorry to hear bout the 26th dude..
oh my, i still can't believe that the gig was cancelled.... :( supposed to have performed at metalfest today....! i mean yesterday!!! ARGH:mad:H!!!
Oh that was just snippets of our set... my friend took more vids.. but they were of terrible quality as well bro.. sorry about that