Mera: Newbie


New member
I posted on "how-to-keyboard", and skipped "intro". Oops.
I'm currently learning classical piano (gd 6) and keyboard (at Believers music) after 10yrs+++ of hiatus. Stopped at gd 5 due to various reasons: school, and mainly coz my ex-piano teacher sorta killed my interest.
I chanced upon this website while searching on "jazz abrsm".
Reading some posts on adult learners gave me tons of encouragement, cos I've this complex abt continuing gd 6 when kids half my age are doing gd 8. But oh well, two of my nieces finished gd 8 at 14, and never touched piano again. I hope to serve in the music ministry one day.
nah doesnt matter if you skipped your intro.
woo music minsitry!
haha welcome to soft!

haha you're not the only one, dime
Welcome welcome! =)

Great to receive another Christian keyboardist in soft.
actually mera is from the word tria mera which means third day in greek if im not mistaken.
Don't get demoralized by them. Afterall, you are driven to play by your passion now. Whereas they probably play under the pressure of parents. All the best!
Hey Mera, nice to meet you!

It's great to know that there are more classical pianists joining soft as of late!!!!

Good luck in your future endeavours and remember, what matters most is that you're having fun practising music!

hi mera, im learning keys in believers music too.. still pretty basic though. i also play in church, but electric bass, not keys.

shared a similar thought recently: "the little guy next to me is terrific - only he's less than half my age. bleah" :)

welcome to soft :) have picked up some pointers around the forum and hope you'll enjoy the community here.