Meltgsnow's Baybeats 2010 auditions: A Recap


New member
An early Sunday morning, a scorching sun, a hangover, a (almost) dead crowd. Not exactly an ideal combination for a metal band to take the stage for the Baybeats 2010 round 2 auditions.

As frontman Dannie says, "Sunday mornings are for recovery of the hangover from last night."

Read the full recap here!

To be fair to the organisers, it's an audition, not a gig. They just want to see how you perform. Assume the judges have no idea who you are, and that the stage crew and sound engineers also have no idea who you are. I've heard of Meltgsnow, but maybe they haven't… they don't want some random band blowing a speaker.
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That is true, but I personally think in order to gauge how good/receptive the crowd is to the bands it will be best to hold it on a Saturday (or at least in the afternoon in the Sunday) to that there will be more audience around, just like last year's auditions.

I mean, if they are not going to consider how popular/accepted a band is, then why hold an audition at an outdoor venue?

But still, have to thank the Baybeats organisers for putting in so much effort just so that local bands have their chance to perform in front of a big crowd.

The organisers did explain right from the start in their initial email to Round 2 bands on 28 Feb, the reasoning for the timings. Maybe you and your editorial team should have checked that out thoroughly before lambasting the organisers.

Round 2 of the auditions will be held at The Esplanade Outdoor Theatre on Sunday March 28, 2010. Morning till early afternoon, as we have performances on that stage in the evening.

I think the organisers and judges would much prefer to be able to sleep in and relax on a Sunday morning than come in even earlier than the bands, setup and prep the area for the auditions. Your article goes "It was really hard for the bands, and hard for the fans", I think it was even harder on the staff and crew having to stay there the whole day in the heat.

Last year IIRC they started about 12 onwards. 2008 was worse IMO, done in the Recital Studio (= no audience). If they could have, they would have done it later.

So yeah, I think much props and kudos to the Esplanade staff and crew and Baybeats judges are in order, rather than questioning their motives.

Nevertheless, I think the "Heavy Metal Tribune" is doing a great job reporting on the local and Asian metal scene, with reviews and interviews and media, great reading all around. Keep the fire burning!
Nevertheless, I think the "Heavy Metal Tribune" is doing a great job reporting on the local and Asian metal scene, with reviews and interviews and media, great reading all around. Keep the fire burning!

Thank you for your kind words, and also thanks for the clarification regarding the decision for the time and venue for auditions!
I mean, if they are not going to consider how popular/accepted a band is, then why hold an audition at an outdoor venue?

Hi optisailor

As one of the judges, I can safely say that is absolutely NOT anywhere remotely close on our criteria for consideration. Anything and everything is fair game, as long as it fits the idea of the festival's theme - as an alternative music platform.

Meltgsnow were exceptionally professional in both rounds of auditions - the first round where they were slated to play almost right at the end, which is probably the worst slot as it is when the judges have already had to sit through 25 other bands for more than 10 hours as is - plus they were the one band that came much earlier to watch the other bands, and they stayed for a few more until the end. This round they were up early in the morning too, I saw them all having breakfast a good hour or so before their required reporting time, and they took that in their stride and still gave a very convincing and professional performance to boot.

Each band has 15 mins to play, including setup and tear down. Unfortunately it really isn't enough time to have anything resembling a decent soundcheck. However just as a comparison, when playing shows in Australia, I have had exactly 10 mins to set up everything and play. And I am talking about a bare stage, with only a PA, NO stage hands and NO microphones at the ready. Make no mistake, in Singapore we don't have it too bad at all.

Just another thing to think about - after all is said and done the judges have to discuss and tabulate results for another hour and a half to two, and the crew have to debrief, tear down etc. It was past 5 when all it was finally a wrap. Starting any later would have been bordering on unreasonable as it eats into our personal time. We are not doing this for any financial or personal gain either.

There's a huge difference between auditions and a proper show. Think carefully about the possible reasons as to why the 2nd round at least has been made public for the last 2 years. The answer is definitely not to see who brings the biggest crowd to support.

Hi Dan,

I sincerely apologise if any of the statements that were made in the article offended anyone (esp the judges and organising committee who have gone through a lot just to put up a good rockin' show for everyone to enjoy).

The questions were asked as fans of music and more out of curiosity than to probe and question the committee's working methods and decisions.

Now that you have related your point of view as one of the members in the panel of judges, I would like to sincerely thank you for enlightening us and apologise once again for sounding offensive.
No no, no apology necessary at all, and certainly no offence was taken...just highlighting another point of view and perspective. It's great that folks like you are writing blogs and zines...each effort stokes the coals in the scene which you believe in and support. Metal fans should be thanking you for your coverage.

I believe your zine will be best placed covering Meltgsnow in their best element...when they be a-rockin the stage at Baybeats 2010.

Oh btw we didn't plan to video record in advance and saw that there were no fans around, so we whipped out our phones just to share it. Hope you guys won't complain about the noise from the big wind (we love the wind but hate it in this case).

Usually I'll rent it from the school but I am almost graduating... ... .. .

Before we manage to save up some money to purchase professional equipment, is there anyone reading this thread who might want to help us out with recording (if you have the equipment)?

Thanks a million.
Please contact us at

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