I mean, if they are not going to consider how popular/accepted a band is, then why hold an audition at an outdoor venue?
Hi optisailor
As one of the judges, I can safely say that is absolutely NOT anywhere remotely close on our criteria for consideration. Anything and everything is fair game, as long as it fits the idea of the festival's theme - as an alternative music platform.
Meltgsnow were exceptionally professional in both rounds of auditions - the first round where they were slated to play almost right at the end, which is probably the worst slot as it is when the judges have already had to sit through 25 other bands for more than 10 hours as is - plus they were the one band that came much earlier to watch the other bands, and they stayed for a few more until the end. This round they were up early in the morning too, I saw them all having breakfast a good hour or so before their required reporting time, and they took that in their stride and still gave a very convincing and professional performance to boot.
Each band has 15 mins to play, including setup and tear down. Unfortunately it really isn't enough time to have anything resembling a decent soundcheck. However just as a comparison, when playing shows in Australia, I have had exactly 10 mins to set up everything and play. And I am talking about a bare stage, with only a PA, NO stage hands and NO microphones at the ready. Make no mistake, in Singapore we don't have it too bad at all.
Just another thing to think about - after all is said and done the judges have to discuss and tabulate results for another hour and a half to two, and the crew have to debrief, tear down etc. It was past 5 when all it was finally a wrap. Starting any later would have been bordering on unreasonable as it eats into our personal time. We are not doing this for any financial or personal gain either.
There's a huge difference between auditions and a proper show. Think carefully about the possible reasons as to why the 2nd round at least has been made public for the last 2 years. The answer is definitely not to see who brings the biggest crowd to support.