Maximising Guitar Practice Time


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Maximising Guitar Practice Time

Ever realise that you are progressing slowly although spending a lot of time? Sick and tired of reading useless articles about maximising your guitar practice time? Then, this article will be the most important article that you will come across. So let's start learning something new!

1) Firstly, always plan ahead. Make sure you are aware of what you want to do. For example, if you wish to improve your speed, then setting aside time on speed exercises will be good for you. Of course, you do need to set aside practice time to practice your guitar. Follow a plan, and you would maximize your guitar practice time.

2) Do not fool around during guitar practice time. Well, you probably say that it is ridiculous. For me, I find myself playing random things while practicing. This is the reason why guitar practice time anint productive! By focusing on the work at hand, be it guitar scales or so, you will definitely get better and maximize your guitar practice time!

3) Look for good exercises that have double benefits. What exactly do I mean? What I am talking about are exercises that not only improve an aspect of guitar. Take scales for example. They are good exercises because they not only improve your moving speed across the frets, they also help you strengthen your fingers. Instead of looking for exercises that only target one area, look for exercises that improve more, this way, you will be maximizing your guitar practice time!

Want to learn more? Want to find out how you could take the shortcut to mastering guitar? You can find the answers to these questions at!
1) There are no shortcuts to 'mastering' (strong word to use) anything.

2) Practising something wrong for hours only makes you very good at doing that thing wrong.

3) Everyone has their own strengths/weaknesses. There is no one 'exercise regime to rule them all'. Each player should have a teacher who can tailor a practise regime for them according to their strengths and weaknesses, and adjust it accordingly as the student progresses.

To say there is one foolproof method is akin to putting all your eggs in the one basket. How do you repsond when someone doesn't achieve the desired results? By saying they 'didn't stick to the regime closely enough'? Yip, that'll go down well.
no, you're defintely not provoking me. amusing, perhaps.

i am assuming from your other posts however that you are rather inexperienced and new to music and the guitar. nothing wrong with coming here to learn and share information, but maybe you should really think about writing unsubstantiated posts which just perpetuate wrong information. They do nothing but mislead other newbies, and provide fodder for the ones in the know who'll at best think you irrelevant, and at worst, think you're a moron. still this is the intarwebs, what do any of us know and why should you care - you might be a 45 year old grammy award winning studio pro just here to take the piss.

but assuming you're not and your persona is for real - case in point, for example, if there are shortcuts to mastering instruments, let's hear what they are. as far as i know however there are none, other than learning and practising effectively.

in the last couple threads i followed, pianomankris has said some pretty wise stuff. i think you'd do well to think about that and take some tips from there.

don't worry teleplayer, no more digs at you, no disrespect intended but it's not worth my time.
no, you're defintely not provoking me. amusing, perhaps.

i am assuming from your other posts however that you are rather inexperienced and new to music and the guitar. nothing wrong with coming here to learn and share information, but maybe you should really think about writing unsubstantiated posts which just perpetuate wrong information. They do nothing but mislead other newbies, and provide fodder for the ones in the know who'll at best think you irrelevant, and at worst, think you're a moron. still this is the intarwebs, what do any of us know and why should you care - you might be a 45 year old grammy award winning studio pro just here to take the piss.

but assuming you're not and your persona is for real - case in point, for example, if there are shortcuts to mastering instruments, let's hear what they are. as far as i know however there are none, other than learning and practising effectively.

in the last couple threads i followed, pianomankris has said some pretty wise stuff. i think you'd do well to think about that and take some tips from there.

don't worry teleplayer, no more digs at you, no disrespect intended but it's not worth my time.

Haha. thanks for telling my flaws! I will change! :D
you do have a positive attitude i will tell you that.

for putting up with my snarkiness in good spirit, i make this offer of counsel. if there's anything you think i can help with or you think that i might have an opinion that might be worth a damn, after you have exhausted some time googling the subject matter and having formulated your own thoughts about it, feel free to PM me and ask - do set out the context and your initial thoughts of course. if i don't know or can't help i'll tell you upfront but if i might be able to help with a query i'll share my thoughts, provided i have the time.
you do have a positive attitude i will tell you that.

for putting up with my snarkiness in good spirit, i make this offer of counsel. if there's anything you think i can help with or you think that i might have an opinion that might be worth a damn, after you have exhausted some time googling the subject matter and having formulated your own thoughts about it, feel free to PM me and ask - do set out the context and your initial thoughts of course. if i don't know or can't help i'll tell you upfront but if i might be able to help with a query i'll share my thoughts, provided i have the time.

Haha. Sure :-D I was in the wrong...
i sense some hungry egos here,

any which need feeding?

just raise your hand. ill quote anything you said, and put an awe-stricken expression behind it !!

its that simple.
my advice,
First do exercises,at two different speeds,slow and fast
Then go to songs
Then go to random composing and experimentation
Thats what I usually do for 2 hours straight
With the metronome ticking away
Try it,it worked for me!
And I would also advice watching lessons and stuff
Cause they help tooooooooooooooooo

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