THERE’S no better way to say this – or maybe there is, but I just can’t think of them – so I’m going to just go ahead and say I’ve just had one of the best concert performances this year. Yup, thanks to the good folk at Unusual Entertainment, your Abang here was lucky enough to go watch Amit astound a sold out crowd at the Singapore Indoor Stadium last night.
I know people thought that a gig so soon after her F1 Rocks performance in September, a mere four months ago, wasn’t a good idea. Well, they were silly – and wrong.
I could go on gushing about what a fantastic show it was, despite it being three hours long, but I won’t, because really, words can’t come close to that music epiphany. So I’ll just give you the highlights.

AN AMIT CONCERT IS NOT AN A*MEI CONCERT. Even though it’s done by the same person. Really. That’s what she reminded us all night. What’s different? Well, while an A*mei concert is a great exercise in showmanship; an Amit concert just simply ROCKS! There’s the slick production value, but it’s just dirty and nasty at the same time. This wasn’t just an Amit concert, this was an Amit rock concert.
NO, REALLY, IT’S A ROCK CONCERT. Even her most perky of pop numbers like OK, Three Days And Three Nights, Fire, Because Of Me and Falling were turned into hard-hitting rockers.

AMIT LOOKS… BIGGER. Speaking of dirty and nasty, her leatherlovecorset/jacket over her leopard prings dressloveleft little to the imagination, causing someone to remark, “Did she get a boob job?” “No, push-up bra,” came the reply.
AMIT’S VOICE. An angel’s voice singing devilish hell all night. And just to prove that she could, she tackled a snippet of that famous operatic aria, Nessum Dorma – in full flight soprano. The last time we heard a range like that – live, without in-studio trickery – was probably Faye Wong. Speaking of Faye, Amit did a blistering version of the former’s Oncoming Love, with a blinding guitar solo by…

…MARTY FRIEDMAN. Yes, you read right. (If you don’t know who he is, just ask your muso friends – any rocker worth their salt will be able to tell you.) Although we weren’t sure at first. “That guitarist looks a lot like Marty Friedman,” said a fellow journo when the concert started. Then right at the end, Amit gave him a shout out: “On guitar… Mardddddddyyyyy!” But what’s he doing with Amit? The last time we checked the dude who used to kick out the jams with Megadeth was having a fun time in Japan, even starring in Japanese movies. And now he’s firing up the frets with one of Taiwan’s best singers. Yup, you said it – a step up fer sure! (Haha)

IT MIGHT GET LOUD. With Marty in her corner, why wouldn’t it? The decibels were cranked up as the show went along – and we’re pretty sure his guitar can go up to 11 – but in a good way, not like what happened with Maroon 5.
And so we left – a little tired but fired up at the same time. As the Grateful Dead might have said, what a strange long trip it was. This won’t easily be forgotten – heck, it’s 24 hours later and the ringing is still in my ears. CHECK BACK HERE FOR MORE PICS AND MEDIA.

(Thanks to Unusual Entertainment, Rich Host Productions for the photos and other media.)