sparky got spanked by Eduardo....
I'm sure you got penetrated by the Croatian leave the United thread, ARSEfool!
sparky got spanked by Eduardo....
JaarVis is on no mans already got liverpool thread wont be surprised to see fgl comes up with an arsenal thread.lets keep this thread going utd owns!!woo!
I'm sure you got penetrated by the Croatian leave the United thread, ARSEfool!
Westpux..why so rude? Is it just YOU or typical man u fan mentality ?
whatever the case may be your language when dealing or addressng with other forumites!
ALL members must be courteous and respectful towards ALL other members at ALL times, no exceptions - by order from James.
Westpux..why so rude? Is it just YOU or typical man u fan mentality ?
whatever the case may be your language when dealing or addressng with other forumites!
ALL members must be courteous and respectful towards ALL other members at ALL times, no exceptions - by order from James.
Oioi. Please refer Man Utd by the correct name please. It's fine to cal them Manchester or United or simply Champions=D. Calling us "Man U"is an insult. The story goes a long way back. ..
hey grim my friend.glory!glory!man utd!!
yo fgl i got no problems with you i do respect arsenal because they have established themselves as a club almost the same level as man utd.the only clubs that i flame on is chelsea and liverpool.but not much on if you ever think of flaming anyone or man utd itself on this thread remember me.alright?
alright i feel you man.
westpunx: disrespectful in what way? Did I single out any Man u fan here? No...
Did I abuse anyone? No... so I dont owe any individual any apology. You on the other hand have singled me out with a rude comment as well as telling me to get off the thread, while I had never even communicated dirctly with you previously? I dont need or expect an apology from you and didnt even suggest one..but I'd suggest watch your language directed to me or any other softie from now on.
On page 2 you said Boring Boring Man United...
The Reds Go Marching
Out Out Out!
How's that not disrespectful? You might think it's funny but not everyone would think so.
And I never said you singled out any United fan here...nor did I say you abused someone. I sure as hell never singled you out because you were the only "extra" here in the first place. This IS a Man United thread afterall and not an ARSEnal thread. Had you bashed United in an ARSEnal thread, I would have nothing to say. That's all.
Manchester United fan here.
It's all good man, if there aint no taunting, there aint no football.
Like how my bunch of fellas and I taunt the M'sians during the Causeway Clashes.
FUN FUN FUN! the look on their faces, priceless!
I remembered how we made fun of harry kewell when the boys from down under came here to play.