Manchester City

yea, just like the throngs of manyoo fans who miraculously surfaced after their treble win, if we're going to bring this whole glory hunter thing into perspective. tell me you're a manyoo fan before their string of premier league successes in the early 90s then you're probably a true blue, or red, manyoo fan.

same same every time... pple just want to support winners and not losers

how true . and they still dare to talk so much when they know nuts about their own team .
well its the same concept with music.scene-kids listening to the most hip rock music like they know nuts about it.
same same every time... pple just want to support winners and not losers

Sounds like I'm supporting a losing side. I'd supported Liverpool since young and c'mon, they hardly won anything besides the 2001 Treble[lousy Treble] and the 2005 Champions League since 1990. ur an ANTI-MAN UTD fan i take it? Cheerz man lolz. That's funny..........i never heard of a fan who's just anti-club. Interesting ain't it? Yea, and i agree with bro empihsrow, i picked Liverpool over Man Utd haha bcos of Stevie.......he's been my idol for a long time. And besides, my mum didn't like the word 'Devils' in the clubs nickname so ya lolz i guess my parents were a deciding factor too. vAnd yes, i do support Spurs as well, although when it comes to Spurs vs Reds i'm clearly on the Reds side. Sounds like i like supporting 'losing' clubs? I guess.......i've always supported the 'underdog' in almost all sports i watch lolz. Back to the Man City issue, i think that the Arabs may be biting off more than they cld chew, a fantasy football team shld remain a fantasy football team, not a real-world BPL team. They'd just implode from all the demands, like Real Madrid a few years ago.
Haha........some wld say almost unlimited funds............$1 Trillion bucks!!!!!!!! But whether it works is another thing altogether.
Man city got a LONG way to go even if all those Dharans pouring in ....
The showponies Chelski showed them up yesterday ....
cos. MONEY NO ENOUGH . takes more than just cash to make it through . ha.

abu dhabi should be crying. but have to admit , robinho did a pretty awesome first EPL goal.

and on a sidenote , i think with all these billion and trillion thing and spending more than average to buy players , its spoiling football. im scared his friends or what takes over newcastle. and slowly it shall become ABU DHABI PREMIER LEAGUE.
guys don't forget, Chelsea did WIN trophies after lots of money pumped in.
so I don't see why Man C can't do the same, given the right timeframe and investment.
lots of sour grapes from Man U/Chelsea/Arsenal fans here!

as for me, a neutral, I'm damn excited to see which star names Man C will bring in!

p/s: cheers to Robinho for scoring a perfect freekick on his debut after apparently a very long flight and little sleep
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At this rate, one fine day.....ALL Premier League teams will be owned by a United Nations of billionaires, and teams will consist of mostly overpaid foreign players. Managers and coaches will move around like musical chairs because of unreasonable high expectations. Transfer fees will be so hyper-inflated, and money spent on star players can buy you an island. TV rights and money will skyrocket and viewers have to pay much much more for cable subsciptions. Meanwhile, the English supporters will pay right up their nose to contribute to the owners' and players' wealth. Many English players will be marginalised and forced to play in the lower divisions for pittance.

Doomsday for English football? You bet! ;)