Making my own home studio


New member
Need help on here . Already got
-Yamaha strat copy(guitar)
-Ibanez Gax Ltd 06 flame pickup(Guitar)
-SX standard series custom handmade(Bass)
-TGM amp for mic
-SX amp for bass
-Marshall MG series 15CDR for guitar
-Got 3 mic
-Pearl target series drum set

Need 2 amps for mic & guitar + 2 stands & a 16" crash .

Do tell me some advice yeahh . thx MATES !!
you'll need a mixer, and of coz as many channels since you'll be recording drums plus a recording device like a computer running a DAW or something. Lastly, something to monitor your sound or mix. That's just the basic.
How much do u think that would cost ? Cause i'm saving my money with my band mates . So if can get as cheap as possible .