Making music on this little island


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kk i think this may sound dumb but i feel it's has meaning to it....

as u know singapore is facing a ageing population , we have far more working adults and senior citizens as compared to us young people.yes , u can be the BEST metal/rock band in Singapore although yeah no matter how meaningful ur music and lyrics are , u're only getting the attention of the young people in Singapore.i mean u dun expect working adults to appreciate metal music right? i've heard from my geog teacher dat a cambridge examiner being bias against Metallica and other forms of metal/rock music so much so dat one candidate wrote a essay on "what is your favourite kind of music" for his O levels and he wrote about Metallica.he got his entire essay striked off (ouch!) by the examiner all because the examiner dismiss his essay as "noise" and not music.
for metal/rock music , ur only gonna get attention from the young people of singapore and not the bigger percentage of the population of singapore which are the adults and senior citizens.

considering the fact dat the singapore music market is indeed very small.and so i guess in order to make it in the industry u have make full use it and not juz attracting youths to ur music but also the working adults or even the senior citizens.that is why i think jazz/blues/soul/new age instrumental musicians stand a better chance of making it in singapore.they get the bigger slice of the already small pie!!!! :wink:
Yes, it's small and mainly underground. But currently there is a lot of individual DIY's gigs featuring these genre.

The thing is that marketing such a product does not bring in any profit, actually most are loss making affairs. Thus, to keep it alive, the scene remains small. There needs to ba some consolidation of such acts, and getting leaner and more organised is the answer.

If we can build a sustainable model to work on, there is sure to be progress.
Actually to reel in the mass market all you need is ONE catchy single in your whole album. Lower your pride for just one song, and let them try the other songs after getting your album, giving them an insight of what more there is to metal and rock. To me, black metal and hardcore give metal a bad name, thus the mass market tend to shun away from the word. What they do not know is that metal has many sub genres, and they tend to generalise. Just take the same song in two different sub genres, Hallowed Be Thy Name. The original by Iron Maiden would be more popular than the Cradle of Filth version for example. I used to think Metallica was just screaming and noise, till I actually started listening to them. I was so wrong. I heard from a friend that The Number of the Beast by Iron Maiden was in the top 10 charts in the UK for awhile. Probably Virgin Radio. And while European countries have music stations dedicated to rock and metal, we have music stations playing the same pop stuff over and over. And a few retro stations here and there..

Also to those that say that the Singaporean market is too small to do anything feasible, and decide to go overseas, what I think is that, if you can't even conquer a small country as Singapore, you can forget about doing well overseas.

Sorry for going far off topic, but since everyone is talking about this subject here I might as well give my 2 bytes..

P.S. DoubleBlade.. About the cambridge examiner who struck off Metallica as noise, he's just demonstrating his intelligence (or a lack thereof). Being a stereotypical examiner gives the industry a bad image. Wasn't music a subjective matter? Unless the writer of the essay was writing, "Alamak sial, Metallica the RULEZZ!!!!11!one11!", then I got nothing to say. Haha...
yeahhhh.....i used to think dat Metallica was just contributing to noise pollution.until i listened to enter sandman and wad caught my attention was the solo.until den i started exploring their songs.i did not know dat Metallica were also into rock ballads such as nothing else matters and i was really impressed dat a screaming band such as Metallica could actually come out wif a beautiful song wif rock essence in it.from den on , i started exploring their music and i think that it is such bands that really make me change my perception of rock/metal music. anyways i think they should belong to the alternative/old school rock catagory instead of the metal catagory....
Try listening to the Master of Puppets album. THAT's what I call metal.

I started listening to Metallica because of Nothing Else Matters. Beautiful song. It was also one of the first songs I learnt when I started playing the guitar. One thing though; I don't like Metallica's more recent albums, those Bob Rock produced. The kick just isn't there. Their excitement is very forced, for example the song Fuel. Thankfully, there are still a few songs here and there that are still nice and are classics, but I just can't sit down and listen to a whole album anymore, unlike the old school stuff.

Also, if you haven't listened to Iron Maiden already, go check them out. I doubt that you have not heard of them before, but just in case. Their latest album Dance of Death is very worth listening to, start to end.
Hmm great thread we have here...meaningful debates n such

n thx for the replies!

anyway, i started listening to metallica bcoz of their S&M album. DAMN that was one beautiful performance.It attracted metal & symphonic fans alike.Being a flautist myself, i was very attracted to the album and i started listening more to it.Fell in lurve wif almost ALL the songs.Especially the short flute solo from Nothing Else Matters & No Leaf Clover!

Haha.well...hope i can get in the freakin course :twisted:
ohhh mannn u know where to get S&M DVD??? hell i'm like looking around the island for it(the pirated version of course)...i tried asking my frens to help me find in JB but to no fren lent me the VCD and i was dead amazed by nothing else matters and enter sandman wif the orchestra background!!!! it was indeed something different for a rock band instead of juz seeing guitars . bass and drums on stage all the time. :lol:

yup i think the st anger album was totally crap , i think metallica has lost their touch over the years.mannnn wad on Earth happened to them when got reunited again?! they claim dat st anger was their hit song and seriously...all i hear is noise!!!! i know how to distinguish between metal/rock music wif noise.and i think st anger was a real disappointment.but their legacy still lives on....
*im madly in anger with you*

some kind of monster is alright tho

my favourite fast ones are dyer's eve,am i evil and of course, master of puppets :D
haha. hei i like creeping death, harvester of sorrow, seek and destroy, master of puppets n sumore lar too many to name. fuel oso not bad wat. haha.

i used to think gnr was bullshit wen i was young, wen my father listens to them. but now, im becoming like my father. haha.
DoubleBlade said:
ohhh mannn u know where to get S&M DVD??? hell i'm like looking around the island for it(the pirated version of course)...i tried asking my frens to help me find in JB but to no fren lent me the VCD and i was dead amazed by nothing else matters and enter sandman wif the orchestra background!!!! it was indeed something different for a rock band instead of juz seeing guitars . bass and drums on stage all the time. :lol:

yup i think the st anger album was totally crap , i think metallica has lost their touch over the years.mannnn wad on Earth happened to them when got reunited again?! they claim dat st anger was their hit song and seriously...all i hear is noise!!!! i know how to distinguish between metal/rock music wif noise.and i think st anger was a real disappointment.but their legacy still lives on....

My friend has the original VCD of S&M. Ripped it out into DivX haha.. What I feel though was the sound engineering wasn't very good in S&M. Of course I couldn't do better, but I find that the guitars were a tad too soft in some areas. There is almost no solo boost (not like they used it much before, but in an orchestral setting the volume should be boosted during solos IMO)

I couldn't agree more about the St. Anger album. I don't like it at all. But nothing beats Metallica live. I love it when they play Master of Puppets, especially when the crowd sings along.

Speaking of which, I don't like Trujillo at all. His image simply does not match with the band. It just isn't Metallica with him lunging around on stage..

Seriously OT.. Haha..
oh u mean the ex bassist from Gorillaz? i heard this new bassist plays the bass in such a way dat he looks like a gorilla...wif his arms and head hanging dat the guy u're referring to?

The gorilla looking bassist in metallica is robert trujillo, formerly from ozzy's band and also from suicidal tendencies and infectious grooves. man... he's even crazier than flea man.
Although the music in St Anger wasn't the best, I would still consider it a very important album for Metallica. I only realised that fact after watching "Some Kind Of Monster". I took them almost 2 years to get it made, due to internal conflict mostly. But hey, they wanted to stick together and make an album, not really bothering about what others would think, but more just to remain as a band.
Really? I tried downloading Some Kind of Monster some time back but I couldn't complete the download. You know, I seriously think that Bob Rock has some part of tearing Metallica apart in the first place. I dare say he's the worst thing to ever happen to Metallica, even worse than poor Cliff under a bus. Sure with his help they topped charts and earned money but is that what Metallica wanted to be in the first place? And all we could do is just watch.
whoa dhalif i hope ur kidding right? :P

S&M dvd or vcd can be purchased online.But its damn troublesome i can bet!

A couple of my richie frens have it...soo cool...even compatible for com.u can actually see the harpist.
who wud hav thought that their harpist was a guy with big gunzzZ ( huge muscle mass )!!!

I cud hav sworn those symphony peepz were like cringing everytym some1 swears!!! :smt098