*Major Cities at War


New member
The City is never free with so many Laws & Restrictions set within odd lines and walls.
Too many distractions turning u & me around the clocks.Our enemy,the time is ready getting set to fall.
City Politicians who use to study abroad,got thier brains washed,came back to "RULE" and Spread etc.Western Cultures all over the globe.Coz of some greedy people who Runs & manipulate our Planet just wants to suck up the juices out of yours & my land,yr sweat & blood....To make us all the same & feel the sore with their controlled bad news flocking the screens,papers & ears."Modern Slaves" we are to the huge & & powerful financial industry who manipulates and control the Jackpot.
We are since at war,The Modern War with no guns & shots.To those who fall pray to their printed papers,Accounts and Flaws.
Peace goes out to the people who look within the internal core.A clear vision,higher state of consciousness with no fear & anger is gonna save u from the fall.
Do you think these are Contradictions set upon by our God?

ANS: i don't think so!

Warmest regards,
Jack Fan
Nice chimonology and rhyming.

"Modern Slaves" we are to the huge & & powerful financial industry who manipulates and control the Jackpot.

Agreeable with this. But lets just say, from the start we couldn't just live to play all the way. Working has to become part of life someday.

We are since at war,The Modern War with no guns & shots.To those who fall pray to their printed papers,Accounts and Flaws.

Its prey right? not pray :D

Peace goes out to the people who look within the internal core.A clear vision,higher state of consciousness with no fear & anger is gonna save u from the fall.

Hmm.... Abit chim here, but peace! :p

Seriously man takde kerja ke pe?
Maybe you'll get better response from cna forum. and where in the world did u get this thing man?
TS I hope you and your ego aren't disillusioned by certain comments made in jest about your english being fantastic.

The entire post was a grammatical disaster, and fails to make even basic sense.
Every reply on this is bumping this thread up. At the end of the day his purpose is really obvious: to tell you to go to his myspace.

It doesn't make a squat sense but it's getting attention. I bet he's smiling from ear to ear now reading all your replies.
Every reply on this is bumping this thread up. At the end of the day his purpose is really obvious: to tell you to go to his myspace.

It doesn't make a squat sense but it's getting attention. I bet he's smiling from ear to ear now reading all your replies.

nothing beats self-promotion

ps: his pic just does something to me, sends a shot right through me,can't get enough.:rolleyes: