Mainstream bands/Music Engineers required


New member
Hi my company right now have vacancies available for 2 position.

1) Mainstream band for gigging purposes.
And we will help market you to all the gigging events we have with us right now.
So if you are interested in sigining on with us (NO FEE) I do not need your money I just need talents!

2) Home based free lance audio engineer for recording purporses
Again yes it will be a paid job!

please drop me an email for a audition at
or alternatively you can drop me a line or text at 81894361.

It can be a one man show or a band kind of thing.

This is a flowchart to help you guys understand better.
individual musician/recording engineer are welcome to appply ;0
haha that's only because we are doing it for a good cause. We are stepping up first to get the scene better developed and we will definitely pick anyone up on the way to give them the extra push to do well! ;D.

There are 5 bands that signed with us already and I will try to get them to give their reports here just to prove that this isn't a scam or any sorts. ;)
Hi my company right now have vacancies available for 2 position.

1) Mainstream band for gigging purposes.
And we will help market you to all the gigging events we have with us right now.
So if you are interested in sigining on with us (NO FEE) I do not need your money I just need talents!

2) Home based free lance audio engineer for recording purporses
Again yes it will be a paid job!

please drop me an email for a audition at
or alternatively you can drop me a line or text at 81894361.

It can be a one man show or a band kind of thing.
A couple of months back, I was tasked by my boss to look for bands that are interested in coming together for this movement.

I will provide a short information to you guys to see if any of you are still interested as the closing date for this application is on the 31st Dec 2013.

Firstly, we are coming together to comply various music genre from various band together on a website. With this website, you guys can sell your music/profile online.

Secondly, the band will get to enjoy and partake in a Protools Course organized by our trainers from the US. You will then be given certification which allows you to teach as we have some offers going around MOE school right now.

Thirdly, you will be given a full set of Protools recording set up to aid in providing content for our website.

All these comes free. But of course with so many good things, it seems too good to be true. The only difference is yes it is too good to be true.

The company is using this as a sort of advertisement. Using the songs that are recorded to showcase their project on the web. YOu can expect to record in the highest end equipment with experience sound engineer at your disposal.

Of course, we don't give this package to any band that applied. The bands that we want have to be down to earth, willing to learn, and have the passion to want to move forward in this industry. As we all know, there is little help cater to musician in Singapore. And we want you guys to step forward to be part of this to take advantage of the stuffs that we are offering right now as a stepping stone to move forward.

To be honest, I have spoke to various bands in Singapore, and the mentality of these bands are not really positive. Firstly, bands that have some recordings done are too aloof and want more from the scheme we are providing. We got to knock some sense into you that even great bands that have their tracks aired on radio are even more down to earth then you are.

Having an education or diploma/degree in the area of music does not means you are superior in any case. We hope to meet bands that respect and wants to work with us together in a positive manner, that trust us and are willing to give time for the studio to be establish.

Bands/musician who are still interested in this are more then willing to drop me a text at 81894361
Hi All,

The above vacancies are still available however they are LIMITED.
This is because some bands didn't stick to their agreement and back up from it.

Before I meet any bands here because I do take the trouble to go down to meet bands to share this piece of good news, the bands that I am looking to sign up have got to have an attitude that wants to bring them forward, are willing to learn from others and are DOWN TO EARTH.

The numbers of band I met so far with diva-like attitude makes me wonder if the music industry here is even worth saving.

So willing bands who like to share their music/learn about music recording in general and NOT foot a single cent as this will be sponsor for are still welcome to drop me a text or you may send your profile over to my mail at

Hey man! I have a band with some experience in gigging. The band plays original pop rock songs.
Do you guys have a website so that there is more info available? Thanks!
Up for this. Still looking. Till date, there are 18 bands that signed up with us. Looking for the last 2 for an exciting year ahead which include protools course. Trust me these 18 bands did not pay a single cent and I can show you guys credentials for that! :)
Guys who are interested in this project please do drop me a message. Last few slots available for all position. Last call before studio launch in August.