M-audio audio interface

The only mAudio card with more than 4 inputs is the 1814 which is $995 in Sg. The 410 with 4 inputs is $595 and if you are in the digital domain you can use the SPDIF input to squeze a bit more out of it.

Why are you set on M audio? It's nice looking but the drivers are notoriously bad and it's known to integrate into some programmes better than others, check the Sonar discussion board to read comments from a whole bunch of unhappy customers.

If you need 6 analogue inputs you could check out products from Presonus, Mackie and MOTU (yum yum) but none of them are targeted at users 'on a budget'
I think it depends on whether you need preamps or not in your soundcard. M-audio's Delta 1010LT has 8x8 IOs at 300USD. Audiophile 2496 has been proven to be very stable in many situations by many people - only 4x4 at 130USD.

What gkinsingapore is talking about are the firewire interfaces. You don't need them unless you want to go mobile. I would still recommend a PCI card if you are using a PC - siginificantly cheaper.
Oh, don't forgot Echo (my favourite!). Echo Gina3G is pretty good - 6IOs + ADAT + S/PDIF + Midi.