lowering string action on an acoustic


New member
ok i just got a really old acoustic from my uncle some days ago, only problem is the string acton's ultra ultra high and the tension's really tight..so anyone knows how to lower the actiona nd maybe loosen the string tension a bit? also how do you change strings on an acoustic? :lol: :lol: any advice will be appreciated.
to lower action:change bridge or adjust the neck...

to change strings:loosen string til v. loose then use pliers or wat to pull out the needles at the bridge...at least tt's wat i do :D
bin4christ said:
to lower action:change bridge or adjust the neck...

to change strings:loosen string til v. loose then use pliers or wat to pull out the needles at the bridge...at least tt's wat i do :D

how do you change the bridge? i had the same problem.. here's what you do to lower the action. take out all the strings.. see the white colour saddle? you can either ask a luthier to file it down or (not recommended) you can file it down yourself.. depending on how much you need to lower it by, mark it on the white thing and file it down using a file or sandpaper.. for tension you can adjust the truss rod(not recommended to do D.I.Y) which can be located inside the body(just where the fret ends,under it) or under the headstock.
ok i dunno if this is the right thing but for me, i use electric stirings on my acoustic.. the tension isnt as great as the acoustic strings. and it sounds nicer too..
electrics strings on acoustic?

the wounded strings are nickel right? huh? nice ah the tone?

anyway, to get ur action set up, just go to a guitar shop ask for set up... i think luther charges $25 for a set up... its a good investment... would really make ur guitar super-playable...