Lower Action of Acoustic Guitar


New member
I find my acoustic guitar's action a little too high (~6mm at 12th fret), and I'm not sure how to lower it. I've done a quick search on the internet, but the instructions are too vague and I don't want to take any risks.

A friend of mine told me that I could replace the entire and saddle and nut, but mine appears to be "stuck" and I'm not sure remove it. An alternative is that I could grind it manually on my own, which I think will be risky as well because I don't have proper tools.

Or is 6mm actually fine? Personally I find barring anywhere past 7th fret on my guitar quite tiring (eg. while playing Under the Bridge by RHCP). I've played other acoustic guitars and its much easier to bar on high frets. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I should go about lowering the action?