Lots of high end guitars - Mayones, Gibson CS, Ibanez


New member

I am cutting down my collection to raise some funds and have the following for sale:

Pictures for all can be found here.

Gibson Custom Shop Les Paul Florentine
Mayones Regius PRO Blue (mint)
Mayones Regius PRO Back (mint)
Flaxwood Liekki (mint)
Ibanez Prestige RGT3170 TV (Japan only model)
Ibanez J.Custom 1680 Blue (pics to follow)
Ibanez USA Custom UCEWFM1
Ibanez RGR1570 'Burnt Top' (Homemade natural finish)
Mayones Setius GTM 6 Gold Top.

All come with hardcases.


Questions? More images? Anything else? Whatsapp me at 81333346.
Sorry - and to add prices.

Gibson Custom Shop Les Paul Florentine - 3400SGD
Mayones Regius PRO Blue (mint) - 3000SGD
Mayones Regius PRO Back (mint) - 3000SGD
Flaxwood Liekki (mint) - 1600SGD
Ibanez Prestige RGT3170 TV (Japan only model) - 1250SGD
Ibanez J.Custom 1680 Blue (pics to follow) - 1800SGD
Ibanez USA Custom UCEWFM1 - 1500SGD
Ibanez RGR1570 'Burnt Top' (Homemade natural finish) - 1000SGD
Mayones Setius GTM 6 Gold Top - 2000SGD