LOST: Yamaha acoustic guitar at White Sands's taxi stand


New member
It happened Friday morning the 6th of March round 11am. I left my Yamaha acoustic guitar at White Sands's taxi stand.

The guitar is in a black soft case (pretty flimsy case). It is a dreadnought in natural finish and it has a black pickguard. There is a plaster stuck to the bottom of the back of the headstock, with the initials D.C. engraved below that.

It isn't worth much, I bought it years ago for round 100 bucks. It has great sentimental value to me as it was the first guitar i bought and i basically write my songs using it. It is pretty battered and worn, I'm sure no one would be able to sell it for much money..

This is an appeal to anyone who reads this to provide me with information if you happen to know the whereabouts of the guitar. A reward will be given as a token of my appreciation.

This guitar really means a lot to me, it's my favourite guitar even out of the expensive electrics i later bought. Any form of help is appreciated. Thanks guys.
hey daryl, i basically live just beside whitesands. (1 min walk)

would help keep a lookout for you if you would provide maybe

1) a picture of the guitar case (if possible)

2) picture of the guitar

3) maybe your hp no? so if i see will contact you.

though chances may be slim but at least i can try
dude i'm sorry to hear that.
but yeah, perhaps you could show us some pictures of the guitar.
that would be of some help.

hope you get the guitar back soon!

this is how it looks like except it's really worn. anyone can contact me at 91002875 if they know anything.. thanks guys
Is that a Yamaha F-310? I have one too, should be no problem recognizing it. I'll keep a look out too. Try contacting White Sands? Maybe they might have found it and kept it.
I'll help you.

Hey dude, actually, my hse is jus a few bus stop away from white sands, and i go there, oftenly. So i'll help u keep a lookout. If i see any guards i'll ask them for you. I hope i'll be able to help out tough.
@clementtan, eugenesmasher, liquidribs, faizal_rocks

thanks a lot guys for helping me keep a lookout. yeah i contacted white sands they said they would call if they found it. hope i'll find it soon
i highly doubt you'd find it. even if it's a worn-out guitar. it's still a guitar...people like to keep guitars around.

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