Looking for singers who like to harmonize and can sing by ear. playing instruments a plus.
Love folk music of different kinds, americana, beatles, iron and wine, different world musics that have beautiful harmonies, hoping to find a small group with similar or intersecting interests to meet up and share songs to cover, acapella or accompanied. 90s Mandarin pop also something I like but absolutely haven't kept up with anything since
I play rhythm guitar, maybe intermediate level but not very technical in my skills though.
In my 30s.
Love folk music of different kinds, americana, beatles, iron and wine, different world musics that have beautiful harmonies, hoping to find a small group with similar or intersecting interests to meet up and share songs to cover, acapella or accompanied. 90s Mandarin pop also something I like but absolutely haven't kept up with anything since

I play rhythm guitar, maybe intermediate level but not very technical in my skills though.
In my 30s.
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