Looking to form a Garage Punk/Garage Rock band


New member
Hi Folks!

I know that the chicks won't dig us nor does the mainstream music scene, but for the love of this style of music, I humbly ask anyone of you guys are interested in forming an Original Garage Punk/Garage Rock band.

It's Raunchy, sexy, in your face bad-ass rock and roll music for the people that dig it!:p:p

Here are some of the sounds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuSJRTKkv5o

If you're into The Ramones, Ty Segall, Fuzz, The White Stripes, The Arctic Monkeys, Nirvana etc etc with the heck a load of Rawness, Grungy, Fuzz crap

And I am not looking to form a cover band and I am more likely to lean towards writing stuff already (with you guys ofcourse) and gig as much as our body takes us. So if you're interested then hit me up!

Currently looking for a bassist and a drummer..

My other group called PunkANation http://punkanation.bandcamp.com/ so you can check out my sound portfolio


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