Looking to form a band playing songs by Chicago,Blood,Sweat & Tears and Santana


Chicago, Blood,Sweat & Tears and Santana were super groups of the 70s. It's a pity that we cannot hear local bands playing their music anymore. I am trying to form a band playing their songs which are with powerful brass sections. If you can play the trumpet,saxophone and trombone then you are on a journey to form this one and only band in Singapore playing real good music. If you have not heard of them please watch them on Youtube.
Songs like:
1) Make me smile
2) 25 6 to 4
3) Colour my world
4) You make me so very happy
5) Saturday in the park
6) If you leave me now

I already have drummer, guitarist, vocalist and bassist. Looking for brass players.
Gigs will come as we play along.

Email me at philloon@singnet.com.sg