Looking for X Japan jamming partners for FUN (other Jrock welcome)


New member
Hi I'm a guitarist who loves X Japan and Jrock, so I'm looking for people who share the passion and are sick of jamming to guitar pro...

Note: I have no intention of gigging, this is purely jamming for fun (and in tribute to the awesomeness that is X Japan)

If you would like to play other Jrock songs I am completely open too, e.g. Glay, Dir en grey, L'arc, Siam shade etc. EXCEPT headbanging songs e.g. Gazette, Gilgamesh...

Guitar/vox/drums/bassist are all welcome. If there are not enough people interested I have some friends who can join in too...

OK please PM me with your contact details and experience if you are up for it. I live in the west but don't mind jamming in the central area...
Vocalist here for jrock

Yo. how's it going? I am a vocalist and i do love X japan. Will be interested in joining your band. sms / call me at 90617460. Jake here.
bassist here, I've been listening to x japan for 7~8 yrs already,, havn't really tried x japan songs with my bass yet (i was on guitar before), but I'd love to try out.

8225 6844
Hey i'm a guitarist and i really love songs from siam shade!! But i'm kind of inexperience and i've just started not too long ago. But i'm a fast learner so yeah i could probably try out the rhythm guitarist part =D

Sms 96312609
or email stormblue5@hotmail.com