Looking for vocalist with old school punk vocals


New member
Hi Huzy here,

Im looking for a vocalist here to join my band Arrogant Moron. We have originals written out and are releasing our first LP soon but we lack a permanent vocalist. Prefer if you can sing ala old school hardcore punk vocals in the vein of Black Flag, Circle Jerks (pls no Blink 182 or green day bullshit). We are a crossover thrash band. Crossover thrash is a genre with thrash metal beats but more punk oriented rhythms, vocals, lyric matter and melody. We play in the vein of D.R.I. and Municipal Waste, Suicidal Tendencies, Corrosion of Conformity and Stormtroopers of Death (S.O.D.) so we need vocalists that actually sound punk-ish. Don't need to be professional singer la. As long can shout like a punk can oreadi.

We will be playing at Pahang this 14 Dec and desperately need a vocalist. Don't be afraid. Just be cheerful n have fun on stage. Preferred if your age is in the range of 19-35 years old. If you can't make it for Pahang, its fine. Join us after Pahang for tryouts. Our main aim is to get a vocalist to be able to launch our LP.

Doesn't matter if you're boy or girl (don't worry we are nice guys), we just need someone who can be just as crazy and fun as us. Our lyrical content steers more towards comedy/social satire so you need to be abit open minded as well :p

Contact me at 98351358 or PM if interested.

You can also like our band page on FB @ Arrogant Moron or just view it for info on who we are.

Trust us its gonna be fun. We'll be heading to countries you'll be surprised to play in.