Looking for PUNKROCK bands for gigs!

Hi. It's been awhile since my band played in any shows and I was thinking of getting a few punkrock bands together, and organizing a punkrock gig.

Would any punkrock bands be interested? coz nowadays i dont see any punkrock gigs. maybe 1 or 2. the rest are all metalcore, hardcore and all the other cores.

We will share the cost of the rental, probably 1 band $50 and NO TICKETS, just pay at door. The entry fee could be $5 or $4 or even $2,and the money raised will be divided amongst the bands.if we dont want to gain anything from it, we can just make a free gig.

So im looking for punkrockers who are interested. I would like to set up a series of gigs starting from July or August, at blackhole. do let me know if any of you are interested, then can get something started!

ok if you think $50 is too expensive, please skip this thread. thanks.

the rental is shared amongst the bands. and money gained from the gig is divided back to the bands.
nowadays, the only affordable venues i can think of is Blackhole.
$120 per hour on saturdays, and $80 per hour on sundays.

if you can afford to buy cigarettes and effect pedals and good guitars, I think you can afford the $50.
not 1 person paying $50, its divided. if 5 piece band, 1 person pays $10 only.

plus, you will get to see some of it back.
how much?depends on how many people come of course. If you want, you can make it a free gig. in which case, bands wont get anything back.

if you're not for this idea, please just skip this thread.
Im looking for interested bands only. thanks!
Yo we are a new band that plays greenday,blink 182 and some antiflag song.
Would like to join you guys but will only be able to gig on Sats as drummer in currently in NS.
Looking forward to gigs but there are too many Metal gigs :(