Looking for Punk Rockers to hit the studios.


New member
Looking for those 80s-90s Punk revolution influenced rockers.
stuff like Rancid, NOFX, Bouncing Souls, Zeke, Bad Religion, Dropkick Murphy, Operation ivy etc.
probably even some Hardcore Punk if possible. *Non of those emo-poppy-punk bullshit.:evil:

I've been playing the guitar for quite sometime now and just picked up drumming
for a few months.. So if there are any musicians who feels like shouting and yelling
while busting up the amps and just got a shit load of adrenaline to waste, hit me back.

It would also be a chance to meet up with fellow Local Punk Rockers who are still true in these days of dying scene.

Race: Human
Age: no matter, as long as you're true to yourself. but preferably of legal age.:p
-matured thinking
-love spending time for music
-Improvisation skills would be awesome as hell!

Just casual jam sessions and fun for now and go with the flow if anything picks up.


interested musicians can pm me.
once ready we can discuss the songs list.
I'm a cleanvox/guitarist interested in punk. but i lean closer towards punks bands such as green day, blink 182, offspring and millencolin. if you're still interested, text me. 94871660