Looking for old school blues/jazz type pianist as well as organ players


New member
In a time when music was truly inspiring, great and worthy of re-listens over and over again, there were
old school pianist players like Herbie Hancock, Dr John, Otis Spann, Chris Stainton. We're looking for faithful followers, or
pianist inspired by players of such.

Being able to improvise/hold rhythm/trade-offs with guitarists will be necessary. Our band lineup has
a rhythm section and two guitarists. We hope to find someone (rare as hell) of that nature to come join us
and you might find that by doing so, we're both helping each other further our musical horizons.

Our sound as a band gravitates more towards the blues, but we're more than welcomed to have jazz-inspired pianist
to bring that extra dimension to our band sound so long your familiar with the blues scale.

We're all in our 20s or thereabouts for one of us, and working towards to becoming an established band in the local circuit
and music industry by being something quite different.

SMS to 81003255 if you're keen or have any queries.