Looking for musicians to write music with


New member
Hi there,

Currently in a band but looking for passionate musicians to write music and do projects with. If you have the passion for writing and wants to be part of this project do pm me. Prefer those who has recordings being done before. Genre is not an issue as long as the need to grow musically is there.

hey can i join! i dont really have demos yet because i cant sing but i hav written a couple of songs already =)
I think defining a particular genre would be good for a start i you want to gather a group to sit down and write something. Personally, my songs won't surely fit in a punk rock or hardcore outfit.

Here's an idea. You can always start an online songwriting team or something. for example, I can do up Legenandary's basic composition, someone add a verse, bass guitar solo and type of tempo. With today's tech, anything is possible.
The reason i did not put the genre up is because i do not want genre to be obstructing the creative process. Your idea is definately a rad idea. Interesting to know what you really have in mind