Looking for musicians to collab with (Use of Whatsapp preferred)


New member
Quick intro about myself: I play the drums, not very good, but somewhat decent I guess. My div is the Jedi Knights that I joined back in '09~
As the title says, I'm looking for people that can sing or play an instrument to collab on anime or vocaloid songs. If you use Whatsapp, that's better as it's a pretty decent platform that can be used for communicating with other people that also are interested in doing such collabs.
I did my first collab a couple of days ago and it was quite a fun experience (seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2z7QRYLkl8g), so I thought it would be awesome to find more people to collab with. Obviously the more people working on a particular song the more work it is, but with a larger pool of people more collabs between 2 or 3 people can exist :D

The level of commitment I'm looking for is casual, meaning that it's not like "Let's do these 2 songs in 2 months time", but more of "From these 3 songs, let's find one that those interested in the song can collab on, and we'll work on our parts. When you're ready or happy with the quality of your cover, you just send it to one guy and he'll do the work of syncing". I know everyone has other hobbies (well if they don't, I do -.-) as well as work/friendship/ r/s commitments, so it's OTOT. If you don't think you can do a song at your current skill level or due to other commitments, then it's perf fine to just decline it and suggest something you can do instead to the other party~

So yea, vocalists/musicians, if you're interested in collabing on mostly anime/vocaloid songs, drop me a PM on that youtube account and we'll try to work things out.
