Looking for Male Rockers Vocalist

Zoul black

New member
Hi guys out there....

Any guy that willing to try out with us here????

dont worry if u r not good,, the important is that u guys will to learn...

we playing more on malay old skoolz rock as search, lefthanded, Rusty blade, Rockers ect....

for english, helloween, riots, malmsteen... ect.... eeerrrmm...

so guy if u need or looking a band that already made a good chemistry in sound and a good structure...

msg me @ 81025522 zoul... will arrange for audiotion... (slow rock prefer due... will explain to when we meet up)

prefer guys that who can committe, willing to learn, jamming late night, and sit at kedaikopi to talk rubbish with us.. :confused::rolleyes:
Rock melayu

Hi I am very interested in those bands u mentioned. I really love those bands. If the slot is pose is still vacant, I would love to join u guys. Tu pon kalau korg sudi lah. Rock never Die! Juz incase i cant get u. heres my mobile: 90298072........ Jas Male/24